Master Series

Publié le par olivier

Master Series 

Titre : Master Series

Date de publication : 1999 (UE)

Label : Universal

Type : Compilation


Morceaux :

1. Johnny And Mary

2. Every Kinda People

3. Sneakin' Sally Through The Alley

4. Bad Case Of Loving You (Doctor, Doctor)

5. Addicted To Love

6. From A Whisper To A Scream

7. Pressure Drop

9. Man Smart, Woman Smarter

10. Spanish Moon

11. Best Of Both Worlds

12. Looking For Clues

13. You Are In My System (re-voiced)

14. Riptide

15. Discipline Of Love

16. Want You More

17. What's It Take?

18. Woke Up Laughing


Publié dans robert-palmer

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