Pride + Riptide (Collector's Edition)

Publié le par olivier

Pride + Riptide (Collector's Edition)

Titre : Pride + Riptide

Date de publication : 2013

Label : Edsel

Type : Coffret


Morceaux :

1. Pride 

2. Deadline 

3. Want You More 

4. Dance For Me 

5. You Are In My System 

6. It’s Not Difficult 

7. Say You Will 

8. You Can Have It (Take My Heart) 

9. What You Waiting For 

10. The Silver Gun 

11. You Are In My System (12” mix) 

12. Ain’t It Funky (Si Chatouillieux – extended version)

13. Pride (12” mix) 

14. Parade Of The Obliterators 

15. You Can Have It (Take My Heart) (12” mix) 

16. You Are In My System (instrumental mix) 

17. Deadline (12” mix)

18. Riptide 

19. Hyperactive 

20. Addicted To Love 

21. Trick Bag 

22. Get It Through Your Heart 

23. I Didn't Mean To Turn You On 

24. Flesh Wound 

25. Discipline Of Love 

26. Riptide (Reprise)

27. Discipline Of Love (12” mix) 

28. Riptide / Get It Through Your Heart (medley) 

29. Sweet Lies (12” mix)

30. Let’s Fall In Love Tonight

31. I Didn't Mean To Turn You On (12” mix)

32. No Not Much (live on The Tube) 

33. Trick Bag (live on The Tube) 

34. Les Planches

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