You Blow Me Away

Publié le par olivier

Titre : You Blow Me Away 

Ecrit par : R. Palmer

Première publication : Sur l'album Honey (1994)

Classement : UK#38

Paroles :

I was all at sea
'Til you rescued me
Saw through my charade
Said don't be afraid

My life was just pretence
You won my confidence
And came to my defence
You blow me away

Saw through my masquerade
You made me unafraid
Broke down my barricade
You blow me away

I didn't have a clue
'Til I looked at you
When I saw your face
It all fell into place

Here in your arms
What can I say
All of your charms
Blow me away

You must have been aware
That this here love affair
Could take us anywhere
You blow me away

You washed my pain away
I saw the light of day
You helped me find a way
You blow me away


Publié dans robert-palmer

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