I'll Be Your Baby Tonight

Publié le par olivier

Titre : I'll Be Your Baby Tonight

Ecrit par : B. Dylan

Première publication : Sur l'album Don't Explain (1990)

Classement : US#24 Modern Rock / UK#6

I'll Be Your Baby Tonight

Paroles :

Close your eyes - close the door
You don't have to worry anymore
I'll be your baby tonight

Shut the light - shut the shade
You don't have to be afraid
I'll be your baby tonight

Well, the mockingbird's gonna sail away
We're gonna forget it
Big old moon's gonna shine like a spoon
We're gonna let it - you won't regret it

Kick your shoes off - do not fear
Bring that bottle over here
I'll be your baby tonight

Be my baby
I'll be your baby tonight 

I'll Be Your Baby Tonight

Publié dans robert-palmer

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