
Publié le par olivier

Chansons 400x400
Titre : Communication 

Ecrit par : D. Bramble / R. Palmer / A. Taylor / J. Taylor

Première publication : Sur l'album The Power Station (1985)

Classement : US#34 / UK#75

« I remember the Power Station as being a lot of fun, a non-stop party, hence the almost salsa feel to this. The sessions also gave me a lot of confidence because it was enjoyable being called in as a singer only, plus I had an immediate rapport with Bernard Edwards, whom I went on to work with »   

Paroles :

Airmail, cassettes, postcards, telex
Drop me a line, be my grapevine
I'm always trying to reach you, can't get through
Our communication depends on me and you
Got to stay in touch even though we're on the move
Keep your lines open, say, what's new
Exchange the facts, keep in contact
I keep on trying to call you but I can't get through
Our communication must get through

Communication - don't hang up
Communication - keep in touch
Communication - don't put me on hold
Situation - soul to soul

Send word, stay tuned, call me real soon
Every time I phone you, you're not home
We've got to stay in touch on the telephone
I keep on trying to reach you
But I can't get through
Our communication must get through

Communication - baby, talk to me
Communication - information, please
Communication - don't put me on hold
Situation - soul to soul

Communication - baby, don't hang up
Communication - keep in touch
Communication - don't put me on hold
Situation - soul to soul


Publié dans robert-palmer

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