Get It On (Bang A Gong)

Publié le par olivier

Chansons 400x400
Titre : Get It On (Bang A Gong) 

Ecrit par : M. Bolan

Première publication : Sur l'album The Power Station (1985)

Classement : US#9 / UK#22

« Whew, 'You're built like a car, you've got a hubcap diamond star halo'? Give me a break! I tried several approaches and thought, to hell with it, it's got to be all personality »   

Paroles :

Well you're dirty and sweet
Clad in black - Don't look back and I love you
You're dirty and sweet, oh yeah
Well, you're slim and you're weak
You got the teeth of the hydra upon you
You're dirty sweet and you're my girl

Get it on; bang a gong; get it on
Get it on; bang a gong; get it on

Well, you're built like a car
You got a hubcap diamond star halo
You're built like a truck, oh my
You're an untamed youth
That's the truth, with your cloak full of eagles
You're dirty sweet and you're my girl

Get it on; bang a gong; get it on
Get it on; bang a gong; get it on

Well, you're windy and wild
You got the blues - I'm your shoes and your stockings
You're windy and wild, oh yeah
You're built like a car
You got a hubcap diamond star halo
You're dirty sweet and you're my girl

Get It On (Bang A Gong)

Publié dans robert-palmer

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