Some Guys Have All The Luck
Titre : Some Guys Have All The Luck
Ecrit par : J. Fortang
Première publication : Sur l'album Maybe It's Live (1982)
Classement : US#59 Mainstream Rock / UK#16
« I was working with Moon Martin when I wrote Some Guys. I played it to him and then a few days later he came in and said he'd just heard someone singing it, which seemed impossible since I hadn't finished it yet myself! What happened was that I must have heard it subiminally. The only thing I remembered was the title line. The rest is very different from the many versions that were subsiquently recorded »
Paroles :
Some guys have all the luck
Some guys have all the fun
Some guys have all the luck all the luck
What you gonna do when your luck begins to run
Such a lucky dog it's good luck - push it
I get turned in by everything you do to me
Don't say you shouldn't do that
Push your hard luck hard push it
Oh, to take a kiss from lady luck tonight
Oh yeah I want to so much
Ooh the way it feels when you find out there's a pearl in it
Girl the way it feels when you get it
Some guys have all the luck
Some guys get all the fun
I get to hear you talk, see you walk
Ooh take me in your arms and let your luck begin to run
I touch you - alright
I thought my luck had held until you fingered me
We make a right impression when you hold me tight
Wait for a break, my lucky charm
Things are looking up alright - alright
Oh, to taste the lips of lady luck tonight
Oh yeah I want to so much
Ooh the way it feels when you find out there's a pearl in it
Girl the way you squeal when you get it
Some guys have all the luck
Some guys get all the breaks
I get to roll my dice - ain't it nice
Ooh take me in your kitchen and we'll play for higher stakes