Maybe It's Live

Publié le par olivier

Maybe It's Live

Titre : Maybe It's Live

Date de publication : 1982

Label : Island

Type : Album

Classement : US#148 / UK#32

Maybe It's Live

Morceaux :

1. Sneakin' Sally Through The Alley (live)

2. What's It Take? (live)

3. Best Of Both Worlds (live)

4. Every Kinda People (live)

5. Bad Case Of Loving You (Doctor, Doctor) (live)

6. Some Guys Have All The Luck 

7. Style Kills

8. Si Chatouilleux

9. Maybe It's You

10. What Do You Care (live)


L'album a été réédité en 2000 par Universal Special Products avec une couverture alternative.


Simples :

Simples 150x150 Simples 150x150 Simples 150x150 Simples 150x150Simples 150x150

  • Some Guys Have All The Luck  b/w  Too Good To Be True (7")  
  • Some Guys  b/w  Style Kills + Si ChatouilleuxWhat Do You Care - live (UK 12")  
  • Some Guys Have All The Luck  b/w  Found You Now (IE 7")  
  • Some Guys Have All The Luck  b/w  In Walks Love Again (AU 7")  
  • Some Guys Have All The Luck  b/w  Johnny And Mary (JP 7")
Maybe It's Live

Critiques / Reviews :

  • "Maybe it's time for a 'Best of' LP for Robert Palmer and 'Maybe It's Live' may be it. A sort of English Boz Scaggs with a good reggae connection, Palmer sings the same stylish soul-pop onstage as on his five studio LP's. But as the hedge-my-bets title implies, not all these tracks are concert stuff, half the LP is new studio material. Two years ago, when Palmer was booked for JB Scott's gig that never came off, he said in a phone interview the music he most admired was Jamaican reggae of the Bob Marley variety. Hours later, he told another interviewer that Gary Numan's music really rang his chimes. The new material on 'Maybe' echoes this schizophrenia: roots rhythms vying for a place in the sun with synthesizer doodling that sounds like it came from a funkifized computer. Palmer carries it all off with the same authority he brings to the note-perfect concert material." (The Schenectady Gazette)
  • As a Robert Palmer record, 'Maybe It's Live' disappoints - though as a characteristic Palmer outing it's certainly in key with its predecessors. He'll never escape his inconsistencies - the feeling that at the back of every record lies a fraudulent treatise on slumming in music he can't be a real part of, be it mardi gras funk or moderne dance - and much of the interest in any Palmer LP is in hearing which stylistic niches he is squeezing into now and how well he fits them. It shouldn't be forgotten, though, just what a great singer Palmer is." (New Musical Express) Read complete review

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