
Publié le par olivier


Titre : Clues

Date de publication : 1980

Label : Island

Type : Album

Classement : US#59 / UK#31


Morceaux :

1. Looking For Clues 

2. Sulky Girl

3. Johnny And Mary 

4. What Do You Care 

5. I Dream Of Wires 

6. Woke Up Laughing 

7. Not A Second Time 

8. Found You Now 


Des rééditions de l'album chez Edsel (2013+2023) intègrent des morceaux supplémentaires :

Good Care Of You (b-side)

Johnny And Mary (alternate take)

What Do You Care (alternate mix)


Simples :

Simples 150x150 Simples 150x150 Simples 150x150 Simples 150x150Simples 150x150 Simples 150x150 Simples 150x150 Simples 150x150Simples 150x150 Simples 150x150 Simples 150x150 Simples 150x150Simples 150x150

  • Johnny And Mary  b/w  Style Kills (US 7")
  • Johnny And Mary  b/w  What's It Take? (UK 7")
  • Johnny And Mary  b/w  In Walks Love Again (NL 7")
  • Johnny And Mary  b/w  Too Good To Be True (AU 7")
  • Looking For Clues - edit  b/w  Woke Up Laughing (US 7")
  • Looking For Clues - edit  b/w  Good Care Of You (UK 7")
  • Looking For Clues  b/w  Good Care Of You + Style Kills (UK 12")
  • Looking For Clues - edit  b/w  What Do You Care (GE 7")
  • Looking For Clues  b/w  Johnny And Mary (NL 12")
  • Looking For Clues - edit  b/w  What Do You Care (DK Cass single)
  • Not A Second Time  b/w  Woke Up Laughing (UK 7")
  • Not A Second Time  b/w  Every Kinda People (FR 7")
  • Not A Second Time  b/w  What Do You Care (CA promo 7")
  • Johnny And Mary  b/w  All Around The World (FR reissue 7")

Critiques / Reviews :

  • "With each successive album Robert Palmer moves farther away from the gritty Little Feat influenced, blue eyed soul sound he became famous for in favor of a more modern techno-rock style. He has such a unique vocal power and style that he accomplishes the feat with style and grace, but fans will still long for the days of 'Some People' and 'Sneakin' Sally Through The Alley'. The hypnotic, quirky style of 'Looking For Clues' and 'Johnny and Mary' and the rocking 'Sulky Girl' supply the LP's best moments." (Cash Box)
  • "Like the ocean on the cover, Palmer's latest release ebbs and flows in a sea of electronics and synthetics. Whereas on past effforts, he has been more of a straightforward R&B pop crooner, here his vocals take on an icy monotone while the instrumentation provides the color and spark. While Palmer owes a tip of the hat to brian Eno, Robert Fripp and Bowie, his more commercial instincts come through so that each track is accessible to a mass audience. 'Looking For Clues' and 'Johnny And Mary' should do well with the dance rock crowd. 'Sulky Girl' seems out of place because it is such a no-nonsense rocker without the electronic feel of the other cuts." (Billboard)
  • "Assuming 'Johnny And Mary' is the massive hit it so richly deserves to be, this shrewdly assembled piece of work could well seal Palmer's status as A Big Star. Moving stylishly between Gary Numan songs, some vaguely old fashioned rockers and a few excellent originals, Palmer pulls the maximum out of his small band and establishes himself as a cool, detached but listenable Eighties crooner. Good looking too. Sickening, isn't it?" (Smash Hits)
  • "Bob's gone techno-pop on this record with mixed but praiseworthy results. There is not a bad melody here and one number, 'Johnny And Mary', has got to be the single of the year." (The Montreal Gazette)
  • "Some good material here, particularly 'Johnny And Mary'. Unfortunately, the balance of the album is uneven, with a seeming lack of direction. 'Looking For Clues', from which the title takes its name, sounds suspiciously like Paul McCartney's last single 'Coming Up'." (Orange Coast Magazine)
  • "Robert Palmer's success in Australia has always bubbled under. His last album 'Secrets' brought him closer to the top. 'Clues', his sixth album, almost puts him there. Palmer has written some surprisingly good songs, especially the appealing 'Looking For Clues' and 'Sulky Girl'. He also co-wrote 'Found You Now' with Gary Numan who contributes on keyboards. Palmer, thankfully, has never been frightened of cover versions ('Can We Still Be Friends' and 'Bad Case Of Loving You') and does Lennon/McCartney's 'Not A Second Time'." (The Age)


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