Video Girls (1985-1989)

Publié le par olivier

Video Girls (1985-1989)

Entre 1985 et 1989, le photographe de mode Terence Donovan a dirigé Robert Palmer dans quatre clips vidéo et une publicité / Between 1985 and 1989, fashion photographer Terence Donovan directed Robert Palmer in four music videos and a commercial.

Riptide (1985)

Riptide (1985)

Addicted To Love (1986)

Addicted To Love (1986)

I Didn't Mean To Turn You On (1986)

I Didn't Mean To Turn You On (1986)

Simply Irresistible (1988)

Simply Irresistible (1988)

Publicité pour la marque Pepsi (1989)

Publicité pour la marque Pepsi (1989)

The Addicted To Love video girls: 

  • Julie Pankhurst (aux claviers/on keyboards)
  • Patty Kelly (à la guitare/on guitar)
  • Kathy Davies (à la batterie/on drums)
  • Mak Gilchrist (à la basse/on bass)
  • Julia Bolino (à la guitare/on guitar)
Julie, Patty, Kathy, Julia & Mak (1986+2014)

Julie, Patty, Kathy, Julia & Mak (1986+2014)

Julie est revenue pour la publicité Pepsi, tout comme Patty qui est aussi apparue dans I Didn't Mean To Turn You On / Julie returned for the Pepsi commercial, so did Patty who also appeared in I Didn't Mean To Turn You On.

Julie Pankhurst & Mak Gilchrist

Julie Pankhurst & Mak Gilchrist

Terence Donovan held a casting. He based his decision on looks and persona. It was a very small production in the depths of Holborn Studios, in central London. The shoot took one day and Donovan liked to work in a relaxed manner so it was a very chilled day. Prep in the morning (hair, makeup, and styling) followed by a long lazy lunch and then Robert Palmer arrived for the filming. He was polite and the ultimate professional…and of course he was exceptional at performing on cue!

Julie Pankhurst (2013)

I was cast by Terence Donovan and I believe that I was the prototype for the casting. Since I had never seen a music video before, I was unsure of what was going on. We spent many hours in makeup and then we would come out and the music would start. It really felt quite experimental. Robert Palmer was always a professional and a gentleman. He took great care of us. I think that the video is fantastic. It is an icon in the world of music videos!

Patty Kelly (2013)

Strangely, I didn’t go to any casting. I was just booked direct at the agency. I was very excited when I heard I would be working with Terence Donovan again and doing a video. It was a great day. We all had a lot of fun and there was a terrific atmosphere.

Kathy Davies (2013)

I was known to the director, Terence Donovan, and he booked me direct via my agent. I had no idea then what this video would become. It was just another booking, except this one was with someone whose music I liked. Well, he’s a legend…and was a humble guy with it. You could tell he was a hardworking man who took his music seriously. I had a conversation with him about his using Sly and Robbie, a Jamaican drum and bass duo, on his album.

Mak Gilchrist (2013)

I had never heard of Robert Palmer at the time as I think I was more into funk bands, so (I was) not overly excited! He was very polite and a little remote - his wife was there! It was a really fun day. I got to pretend to be a 'stroppy' lead guitarist!

Julia Bolino (2013)

Julie Pankhurst shot by Peter Ashworth on the cover of the 'Addicted' European single

Julie Pankhurst shot by Peter Ashworth on the cover of the 'Addicted' European single

The cover of the rare 'I Didn't Mean To Turn You On' CD Single

The cover of the rare 'I Didn't Mean To Turn You On' CD Single

Mak Gilchrist, Julie Pankhurst & Julia Bolino (2006)

Mak Gilchrist, Julie Pankhurst & Julia Bolino (2006)

Publié dans robert-palmer

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