Dr. Zhivago's Train

Publié le par olivier

Dr. Zhivago's Train  
Titre : Dr. Zhivago's Train

Ecrit par : N. Dunger

Première publication : Sur l'album Drive (2003)

Paroles :

Hold on when the train is speeding through the midnight storm
And tell those boys back in town there will be a call
Hmmm a train is comin'
Ooh a train is comin'

A train is comin' your way
And it sounds like it's namin' the reasons
For forsaken stations
That we passed in the dark
You'll hear your name being called when the whistle starts to blow
Just like that train in that film Dr. Zhivago
Hmmm a train is comin'
Ooh a train is comin'

A train is comin' your way
Hear the tracks ringing awaking the sleepers
And breaking all the promises
That were made in the dark

Hmmm a train is comin'
Ooh a train is comin'...


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